Friday, August 24, 2007

I've been tagged

Ok, so... my photographer friend Melissa Davis (see my favorite blogs on the right side) just "tagged" me. I'm supposed to tell 8 things about myself that my blog readers (um... do I have blog readers????) probably don't know and then tag eight other photographers. (totally don't know 8 other photographers who haven't already been tagged!) So, up until this point, my blog has just been photos with a comment or two about those photos. This is new for me. I'm not sure anyone will really be interested in this, but here goes nothing...

1 - I am easily entertained. I'm not one of those picky type of people when it comes to entertainment. So, maybe this list will be about things that entertain me.

2 - I LOVE LOVE LOVE musicals!!! My favorite growing up was The Sound of Music. Once my aunt asked my mom to find out what my favorite movie was. (She wanted to get for me for Christmas.) I was proabably about 13. When my mom told her that it was The Sound of Music, my aunt thought my mom was totally lying to her!!!! My current favorite musical is WICKED!!!

3 - I LOVE sappy movies. Romantic comedys are the best! My poor husband! Some of my favorites are You've Got Mail, Two Weeks Notice, While You Were Sleeping, Runaway Bride, and ALL Jane Austin type movies - the six hour long Pride and Predjudice among the top faves!

4 - Books - I can read a deep/serious/non-fluff book only once in a while. I don't think I'm an all fluff person, but when it comes to books, I'd much rather a fluffy sweet simple funny book. I also like action. Some of favorite authors are listed in the side bar.

5 - Music!!! I LOVE ALL kinds of music - well, almost all. Classical, pop, jazz, big band (my dad likes this and got me into it), classic rock, r&b, religious, techno, folk, hip hop/rap, and most of my favorite songs come from some soundtrack or another. Currently, I've been listening to the Hairspray soundrack a lot and Colbie Calliat, Josh Groban, Seseme Street songs (don't knock it - some of those are GOOD) and I'm ALWAYS listening to COUNTRY!

6 - Ok, TV entertainment. I don't watch a ton of tv. I used to watch it all the time - talk shows like Oprah and the Today show and ER and reality shows (I know!!!) and lots more. Now? I just don't have time. I do like to watch American Idol and So You Think You Can Dance with my oldest daughter. She and I went to the American Idol Tour concert and on our way to the show ran into Phil and Sanjiya (sp?). She and I also met Taylor Hicks last year at the Stadium of Fire practice. It was fun. I also watch the news sometimes - but not too much, it's too depressing.

7 - The Internet. I spend WAY too much time on the internet. I've been trying to be better in controling my time online. I love to check out other people's blogs and photography forums and read about people and find old friends and keep in touch with my family. So many things to do SO LITTLE TIME!!!!

8 - My kids! My kids are the most entertaining things around!!! They are constantly cracking me up and putting a smile on my face. They love to all dance together and "perform" for my hubby and I. They never tire of answering the door! If there's someone at the door (even if it's just me!) they get so excited! Maybe in the future, I'll share more specific things about how they entertain me.

Well, there you have it. I bet no one made it through that whole thing!!!! Ha ha!!! I seriously don't think I know 8 more photographers who haven't been tagged yet. - I looked and I don't. I don't want to end it with me, but I'm afraid it might have to. If I find someone who hasn't been tagged, I'll come back.


Jennifer said...

I stay on the computer way too much too girl! I also love You've got mail! It was great getting to know who you are alittle more, thank you!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for doing that Mary!